Critiquing a Critique of Obama’s Approach to Iran

by Peter Jenkins Last week, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) posted a “statement” on the Iranian nuclear negotiation. The statement attracted attention because some of the parties appeared to be finding fault with the Obama administration despite… Continue Reading

Middle Eastern Turmoil and the Scaremongering on Iran

by Paul R. Pillar It has not been a smooth month for those who want to keep Iran in pariahdom forever and thus seek to kill any international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. The sanctions bill that is the deal-killers’… Continue Reading

Iran Military Option: An Increasingly Daunting Challenge

by Wayne White Although the Obama administration appears to be currently focused on resisting calls to increase sanctions on Iran while negotiations over its nuclear program are in session, the far more dangerous “military option” is alive and well in… Continue Reading

Calling Sens. Mitchell, Daschle—Your “Bipartisan” Center Is In Funny Company

by Jim Lobe Former Democratic Sens. George Mitchell and Tom Daschle co-founded the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), along with their former Republican colleagues and fellow former majority leaders, Sens. Howard Baker and Bob Dole back in 2007. The Center, which… Continue Reading

Congress and Attempts to Kill the Iran Deal

by Paul R. Pillar* Those who want permanent pariahdom for Iran and thus oppose any agreement with the government in Tehran keep looking for ways to use the U.S. Congress to sabotage the deal that has been under negotiation in… Continue Reading