Recycling the “Friends of Hamas” Canard Against Chuck Hagel

by Marsha B. Cohen Taking advantage of the delay in the vote on Chuck Hagel’s nomination to the Senate, the spinmeisters of the anti-Hagel propaganda machine have a new charge to hurl at the former Nebraska Senator. Ben Shapiro of… Continue Reading


by Marsha B. Cohen The hearings to confirm Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense seem to have been obsessively focused on Israel, and on the threat Iran poses to Israel, with little interest on the part of most senators on… Continue Reading

John Barrasso vs. Chuck Hagel

The Military-Industrial Complex Strikes Back by Marsha B. Cohen Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose. — Dwight D. Eisenhower,… Continue Reading

Chuck Hagel’s Senate Voting Record

Not too long ago, John McCain considered Chuck Hagel to be one of  the leading voices on national security and foreign policy in the Senate. “I’d be honored to have Chuck with me in any capacity,” McCain said in 2006. Although… Continue Reading

Israeli Views of Chuck Hagel: Why the Right is Wrong

Since his nomination as Secretary of Defense and even in anticipation of it, the right-wing media has been accusing Chuck Hagel of being anti-Israel with the help of GOP grandstanding from senators such as Lindsay Graham of South Carolina. “Hagel,… Continue Reading